What are the Benefits of Solar-First Marina Design?
Reduced or Eliminated Reliance on Grid Power
Sell Your Own Power to Boaters
Reduced Environmental Impact
Use as Income Stream in Off or Shoulder Seasons
Bring Reliable Wi-Fi to Remote Locations
Implement IoT Water Quality Monitoring
Want to Learn More?
PowerDocks Design offers sustainable design and development services to reduce marina operating costs, improve available conveniences and increase customer retention. Our experienced team works with marina developers and owners looking to differentiate and better service their increasing number of environmentally conscious customers.
High energy demand and costs, electric marine propulsion, Electric Vehicle (EV) charging, and personal Internet of Things (IoT) communication technology have a significant impact on marina services and customer needs. Blue Isles™ Design provides a range of services covering all aspects of marina design and waterfront development services to address these transforming customer needs. From feasibility studies to master planning, marina design, engineering, equipment selection, procurement, construction, to operational energy efficiency.
PowerDocks Design provides independent, objective advice to international marina and waterfront development clients including private developers, commercial organizations and governments worldwide.
Please contact us to learn more about how we can help you expand services for your marina customers and help reduce your energy operating costs.